5 Enable Empower Engage Application Lab

Welcome to the fifth application lab in the [Re]Create Application Lab Collection. The lab includes four steps: (a) read the book chapter, (b) download the workbook, (c) watch the video, and (d) download and complete the editable worksheets.


Step 1 – Read Chapter 5, Enable, Empower, Engage, in the [Re]Create Book.

While many leaders claim their people are their most valuable asset, their actions often tell a different story. High-performing organizations develop and engage their workforce to accomplish the strategy. Creating an engaged workforce consists of (a) acquiring and placing talent, (b) developing (enabling) and empowering people, (c) involving and engaging the workforce at all levels, and (d) addressing the whole person. Acquiring and retaining the best talent is a challenge for most organizations. The best people will only work for organizations where they feel valued, enjoy their work, and achieve their full potential in a win-win arrangement. Note: If you don’t need the best people, consider automating the work.

Available on

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Step 2 – Download the Lab Workbook (pdf).

Objectives – Understand the Enable, Empower, and Engage (E3) People concepts, components, and relationships and how they contribute to leadership and organization [re]design for sustainable excellence.

  • Workforce Capability & Capacity – Identify the workforce capabilities and capacity for each strategic goal.
  • Communication Plan – Develop a communication plan for the major messages essential to achieving the strategy.


Step 3 – Watch the Video

How many people with what knowledge, skills, and abilities do you need to support your strategy? In this lesson, you will apply the key E3 people concepts to your organization. Specifically, you will identify workforce capabilities and capacity for each strategic goal, and you will develop a communication plan for the critical messages essential to achieving the strategy.

Workforce Capability and Capacity Video 0:42

Identify the workforce capabilities and capacity for each strategic goal. We start with the workforce capability and capacity. Goals are dreams if you don’t have the people to make them a reality. Do we have enough of the right kind of people to accomplish our strategy?

Communication Plan Video 3:14

Develop a communication plan for the major messages essential to achieving the strategy. Once you have the right people, the next step is to get everyone to work towards the strategy. A good communication strategy will help get people “on the same page” by communicating where we are all going and what is expected of them. A communication plan includes five key components – message, medium, sender, audience, and frequency.


Step 4 – Download the editable Application Worksheets (pptx file).

  • Complete – Complete the worksheets by yourself or with your group.
  • Review – Present and explain your worksheets to your colleagues and boss and get their feedback.
  • Revise – Incorporate their feedback into your worksheets.